1.2 Waste Management Policy. 5
2.2.1 The Waste Disposal Ordinance (WDO)
2.2.2 The Waste Disposal (Chemical Waste) (General) Regulation
2.2.3 The Waste Disposal (Charges for Disposal of Construction Waste) Regulation
2.2.4 The Land (Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance
2.2.6 Related Licence and Permits
4.1 Analysis of Waste Generation
6.1 Waste Policy Principles. 15
6.2 Waste Management Hierarchy
6.5 On-Site Sorting and Temporary C&D Waste Disposal Area
6.7 Excavated Contaminated Soil
6.8.1 Handling of Chemical Waste
6.8.2 Storage of Chemical Waste
6.8.3 Disposal of Chemical Waste
6.9 Hazardous Materials Including Asbestos Handling and Disposal
6.10 Emergency Response Procedures
6.10.1 Handling of Environmental Emergency
6.10.3 Chemical Waste Spillage
7.1 Site
Procedures for Trip Ticket System (TTS)
7.1.1 Implementation Procedure
7.1.2 Trip-ticket System for Disposal of C&D Materials to Approved Alternative Disposal Ground
7.1.3 Prevention of Overloading
7.1.4 Improvement Measures to Prevent Overloading
7.1.5 Training for The Dump Truck Driver
7.4 Reporting Illegal Dumping and Follow-up Action
Summary Table for Work Processes or Activities Requiring Timber for Temporary Works |
Abbreviations List
C&D |
Construction & Demolition |
Civil Engineering and Development Department |
CM |
Construction Manager |
Disposal Delivery Form |
Drainage Services Department |
Daily Record Summary |
Environmental Impact Assessment |
EM&A |
Environmental Monitoring & Audit |
EO |
Environmental Officer |
Environmental Protection Department |
EP |
Environmental Permit |
ES |
Environmental Supervisor |
Public Fill Reception Facility |
PM |
Project Manager (CREC) |
Project Manager (ARUP) |
SA |
Site Agent |
Trip Ticket System |
Waste Acceptance Criteria |
Waste Flow Table |
Waste Management Plan |
This Waste Management Plan (WMP) is developed China Railway Group Limited (known as CREC) in the execution of the following works. Environmental Permit (EP-519/2016) of this Project has been issued by Environmental Protection Department and the Waste Management Plan is to be prepared under EP Condition 2.24.
The works to be executed under the contract involve site formation and infrastructure works at Tung Chung Valley under Tung Chung New Town Extension (Contract No.: NL/2020/06). The date of commencement of construction work scheduled on 11 October 2021 and the works as described below:
(a) Site clearance (including, but not limited to, the demolition of the existing building structures);
(b) Site formation works for Area 42 and Area 46 with associated geotechnical works;
(c) Improvement works for Chung Mun Road and Shek Mun Kap Road with associated infrastructural and geotechnical works;
(d) Provision of infrastructural works at Yu Tung Road;
(e) Construction of Road L29 and Road L30 with associated infrastructural and geotechnical works;
(f) Provision of attenuation & treatment ponds;
(g) Provision of a Common Utility Trough and box culvert along Road L29;
(h) Provision of Pumping Stations;
(i) Construction of a proposed River Park with Visitor Centre, footbridge across river and other associated facilities;
(j) Provision of roadside Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) features;
(k) River de-channelization works;
(l) Construction of noise barriers;
(m) Woodland Compensation;
(n) Associated landscaping works;
(o) Tree felling, transplanting and compensatory planting works;
(p) Ground investigation, geotechnical and building instrumentation monitoring works; and
(q) Other works which are shown on the Drawings or specified in the Specifications.
No land formation works and surcharge
operations are included in this project.
1.1 Purpose of the Plan
This Waste Management Plan (WMP) aims to describe the arrangements for avoidance, minimisation, handling, reuse, recovery and recycling, storage, transportation, collection, treatment and disposal of different categories of waste to be generated from the construction activities of this project with mitigation measures.
The main objectives of the WMP include:
(a) Providing reference to the waste management requirements, both statutory and non-statutory;
(b) Clarifying the responsibilities of each party on waste management and the personnel within CREC's management;
(c) Establishing the waste
management procedures for avoidance, minimisation, material
reuse/recovery/recycling, collection, transportation, storage
and disposal of wastes generated from the activities.
To demonstrate CREC's commitment on the continual improvement of our waste management performance, an Integrated Management Policy includes the waste management has been established. It aims to communicate CREC's waste management mission, vision and beliefs to the staff and public, it also provides a framework in guiding the project team the basic requirements to be achieved in waste management.
The policy will be reviewed by relevant parties periodically and will be displayed on notice board for the workforce.
The Environmental Policy Statement is listed below:
Various types of wastes would be generated during the course of the Project (Contract No.: NL/2020/06) and each waste types requires different approach for management and disposal as stipulated in the waste legislation and guidelines. The relevant statutory and non-statutory requirements regarding waste management are summarised in the sections below.
The following legislation relates to the handling, treatment and disposal of wastes in Hong Kong, and would be observed with regard to all wastes generated and requiring disposal, where applicable:
· The Waste Disposal Ordinance (Cap 354)
· The Waste Disposal (Chemical Waste) (General) Regulation (Cap 354C)
· The Waste Disposal (Charges for Disposal of Construction Waste) Regulation (Cap 354N)
· The Land (Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance (Cap 28)
· The Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance (Cap 132BK) - Public Cleansing and Prevention of Nuisances (Urban Council) and (Regional Council) By-Laws
· Summary Offences Ordinance (Cap 228)
· Dumping at Sea Ordinance (Cap 466)
· Other relevant regulations
2.2.1 The Waste Disposal Ordinance (WDO)
The Waste Disposal Ordinance (WDO) prohibits the unauthorised disposal of waste. Construction waste is not directly defined in the WDO, but is considered to fall within the category of "trade waste." Under the WDO, wastes can only be disposed of at sites licensed by EPD.
2.2.2 The Waste Disposal (Chemical Waste) (General) Regulation
Under the Waste Disposal (Chemical Waste) (General) Regulation all producers of chemical wastes (including asbestos) must register with EPD and treat their wastes either utilising on-site plant licensed by EPD, or arranging for a licensed collector to take the wastes to a licensed facility. The regulation also prescribes the storage facilities to be provided on site, including labeling and warning signs, and requires the preparation of written procedures and training to deal with emergencies such as spillages, leakages, or accidents arising from the storage of chemical wastes.
2.2.3 The Waste Disposal (Charges for Disposal of Construction Waste) Regulation
The current policy related to the dumping of C&D material is documented in the Works Branch Technical Circular No. 2/93, 'Public Dumps'. Construction and demolition materials that are wholly inert, namely public fill, should not be disposed of to landfill, but taken to public filling areas, which usually form part of reclamation schemes.
Under the WDO and the Charging Regulation, wastes can only be disposed of at designated waste disposal facilities licensed by EPD. For construction work with a value of more than HK$1M, the main contractor is required to establish a billing account at EPD before transporting the construction waste to the designated waste disposal facilities (e.g. landfill, public fill etc.). The vessels for delivering construction waste to public fill reception facility would need prior approval from EPD. Breach of these regulations can lead to a fine and/or imprisonment.
2.2.4 The Land (Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance
The Land (Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance requires that dumping licences be obtained by individuals or companies who deliver public fill to public filling areas. The Civil Engineering & Development Department (CEDD) issues the licences under delegated powers from the Director of Lands.
2.2.5 The Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance (Cap 132) - Public Cleansing and Prevention of Nuisances (Urban Council) And (Regional Council) By-Laws
The Public Cleansing and Prevention of Nuisances By-Laws provide further controls on the illegal tipping of wastes on unauthorised (unlicensed) sites.
2.2.6 Related Licence and Permits
CREC would obtain all necessary permits and licenses under these ordinances including, but not limited to:
· Registration as a Chemical Waste Producer under the Waste Disposal Ordinance (Cap 354C);
· Public Dumping License under the Land (Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance (Cap 28);
· Registration as a Waste Producer under the Waste Disposal (Charges for Disposal of Construction Waste) Regulation (Cap 354N).
The following guidelines related to waste management and disposal would be adhered to during construction of the Project:
· Waste Disposal Plan for Hong Kong (1989), Planning, Environmental and Lands Branch Government Secretariat;
· Environmental Guidelines for Planning in Hong Kong. Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines (1990);
· New Disposal Arrangements for Construction Waste, EPD and CEDD (1992);
· Code of Practice on the Packaging, Labelling and storage of Chemical Wastes EPD (1992);
· Code of Practice on the Handling, Transportation and Disposal of Asbestos Waste, EPD;
· Works Branch Technical Circular No. 12/2000, Fill Management, Works Bureau, HKSAR Government;
· Works Branch Technical Circular No. 29/2000, Waste Management Plan, Works Bureau, HKSAR Government;
· Environment, Transport and Works Bureau Technical Circular (Works) (PAH Chapter 4 Section 4.1.3), Management of Dredged/Excavated Sediment, Environment, Transport and Works Bureau, HKSAR Government;
· Works Branch Technical Circular (PAH Chapter 4 Section 4.13 & Appendix 4.14), the Use of Tropical Hard Wood on Construction Site, Works Branch, Hong Kong Government;
· Works Branch Technical Circular No. 2/93, Public Dumps, Works Branch, Hong Kong Government;
· Works Branch Technical Circular No. 16/96, Wet Soil in Public Dumps, Works Branch, Hong Kong Government;
· Works Bureau Technical Circular NO. 4/98 and No.4/98A, Use of Public Fill in Reclamation and Earth Filling Projects, Works Bureau, HKSAR Government;
· Works Bureau Technical Circular No. 5/98, On-site sorting of Construction Waste on Demolition Site, Works Bureau, HKSAR Government;
· Waste Reduction Framework Plan, 1998 to 2007, Planning, Environment and Lands Bureau, Government Secretariat, 5 November 1998;
· Works Bureau Technical Circular No. 6/2002 and 6/2002A, Enhanced Specification for Site Cleanliness and Tidiness, Works Bureau, HKSAR Government;
· Works Bureau Technical Circular No. 25/99, 25/99A and 25/99C, Incorporation of Information on Construction and Demolition Material Management in Public Works Sub-committee Papers, Works Bureau, HKSAR Government;
· A Guide to the Registration of Chemical Waste Producers; and
· A Guide to the Chemical Waste Control Scheme.
· Works Bureau Technical Circular No. 6/2010, Trip-ticket System for Disposal of Construction and Demolition Materials.
· Environmental, Transport and Works Bureau Technical Circular (Works) No. 19/2005, Environmental Management on Construction Sites
· Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines (2020)
The Project Environmental Management Organisation Chart depicting the functional inter-relationship of personnel is shown in Figure 3.1. The purpose of this is to clearly indicate the managerial control, the reporting structure and the interface relationship between all parties involved in the Trip Ticket System (TTS) issue prior to issue of the disposal record to the Project Manager (PMR).
Figure 3.1: Organisation Structure for Environmental Management Team of CREC
Duties and Responsibilities
The environmental roles and responsibilities are summarised in the following table:
Title |
Responsibilities |
Project Manager (PM) / Construction Manager (CM) / Site Agent (SA) / Construction Team Leader (CTL) / Site Engineer (SE) |
l Responsible for ensuring commitment to environmental performance is fulfilled and assigning adequate resources and facilities to provide an effective implementation of waste management on site; l Attend the Site Safety & Environmental Committee (SSEC) Meeting if required; l With the assistance of the Environmental Officer, oversee the implementation and performance of the WMP; l Responsible for all site operations, staff supervision, control, coordination & planning, external liaison as well as implementing and monitoring necessary corrective actions; l Carry out immediate action to rectify any non-compliance of this WMP as well as handle any complaints received; and l Ultimately responsible for the company's environmental performance on site. |
Environmental Officer (EO) or the Assigned Person |
l Overall coordination, monitoring and overseeing the performance and implementation of the WMP for the Contract and directly reports to the PM/CM/SA; l Review and revised the Waste Management Plan and ensure works to be executed in accordance with the plan; l Monitor and control the works including those of subcontractors to ensure compliance with specified requirements; l Assist in handling any complaints received and suggest remedial action; l Update the monthly summary of Waste Flow Table (WFT); l Update the monthly summary of Use of Timber; l Record regarding the handling of chemical wastes; l Record regarding the disposal of all construction and demolition waste to public filling area and landfills; l Co-ordinate with Environmental Team to ensure waste management issues are properly handled; and l Attend the Site Safety & Environmental Committee (SSEC) Meeting. |
Environmental Supervisor (ES) |
l Responsible for the implementation of this Waste Management Plan with the assistance of the Senior Foreman / Foreman; l Assist the EO to rectify any non-conformances being identified; l Responsible for collecting chit records to update the Daily Record Summary (DRS); l Attend environmental meetings whenever necessary; l Assist with EO on any environmental matter; l Carry out ad-hoc environmental inspections to identify deficiencies on site; and l Attend the Site Safety & Environmental Committee (SSEC) Meeting. |
Site Engineer (SE) |
l Coordinate with the EO regarding the implementation of all appropriate waste mitigation measure; and l Report to the PM/CM/SA/EO regarding any non-compliance of waste management plan. |
Senior Foreman (SF) / Foreman (F) |
l Responsible for implementing and overseeing the operation of the TTS Implementing and overseeing the operation of the TTS including but not limited to fill in and sign Part 1 of the Daily Record Summary (DRS) properly before departure of the truck; l To man each exit from the site to ensure each dump truck carrying C&D materials bears duly completed, signed/stamped DDF; l Assisting in the daily implementation of the Waste Management Plan including to ensure all waste is sorted, segregated, recycled or reused when applicable; l Ensuring waste is avoided and/or minimised as much as practically possible; l Signed the CHIT after ensuring the trucks leaving the site are all compliance the requirement; and l Ensuring the Waste Management Plan is followed and all appropriate paperwork to be collected and signed off. |
Workers |
l To carry out the waste management practice; l Sorting of different types of wastes; l Collection of wastes from each working site to the temporary storage area / fill banks / landfills; l General site cleaning; l Attend waste management training organized by the EO; and l To follow the Waste Management Plan. |
Sub-contractors |
l Follow and implement this Waste Management Plan measure on site; l Report non-compliance to CREC; l Keep the site cleaning; l Attend Site Safety & Environmental Committee (SSEC) meeting; and l Follow the corrective and/or preventive action suggested by CREC. |
The following types of waste would be generated from the works on site.
· Non-Inert C&D waste (Including, waste wooden boards, non-recyclable plastic, empty container and packaging) & General refuse;
· Inert C&D Waste (including, broken concrete, asphalt, bricks, sand, aggregate);
· Yard Waste (Tree Trunks and Branch)
· Chemical waste;
· Recyclable waste (Metallic waste, recyclable plastic, cardboard and paper packaging)
4.1 Analysis of Waste Generation
Different types and quantities of waste will be generated throughout the construction activities and daily operation of the construction site. The major construction activities and the associated waste generating operations are identified as follows:
· Excavated materials (Inert C&D Waste)
· Site clearance, preparation establishment (Inert C&D Waste & Yard Waste)
· Scrap metals from piling construction and demolition (Metal)
· Timber from temporary work construction (Non-inert C&D Waste, and General Refuse)
· Debris from demolition (Inert C&D Waste)
Slurry/bentonite, hazardous waste and excavated sediments are not expected to generated through the project.
Table 4.1 Proposed Types of Waste and Disposal Outlet
Type of Waste |
Generated from Project (m3/kg/Tonnes/L ) |
Activities will generate |
Re-used / recycle on site/on other Projects |
Target recycling rate |
Disposal (m3/kg/Tonnes/L ) |
Proposed Disposal Outlet |
Inert C&D Waste |
80500T |
Site formation works / Excavation works |
20500 T |
25.5% |
60000 T |
Alternative Disposal Ground (Other Project) / Tuen Mun Area 38 Fill Bank |
Non-inert C&D Waste |
315 T |
Site formation works |
0 |
0% |
315 T |
NENT Landfill |
Non-inert - General Refuse |
185 T |
Employee's daily life |
0 |
0% |
185 T |
NENT Landfill |
Yard Waste |
270T |
Tree felling and pruning |
0.27T |
0.1% |
269.73 T |
Shredding Facility of the EPD/NENT Landfill |
Chemical waste |
400L |
Machine maintenance, renovation work. |
200L |
50% |
200L |
Licensed Collector (ECO Space Limited/CWTC) |
Recyclable waste |
Metal |
1000T |
H-pile, sheet-pile, Rebar |
600 T |
60% |
400 T |
Baguio Waste Management & Recycling Limited Phone: 34436315 |
300 kg |
Waste water Barrier/plastic railing, plastic bottle |
180 kg |
60% |
120 kg |
Baguio Waste Management & Recycling Limited Phone: 34436315 |
Paper / Cardboard |
500kg |
Packaging, Site office |
300kg |
60% |
200 kg |
Baguio Waste Management & Recycling Limited Phone: 34436315 |
Glass |
50kg |
Waste glass, bottle |
30kg |
60% |
20 kg |
Baguio Waste Management & Recycling Limited Phone: 34436315 |
Table 4.2 Generation schedule of both inert and non-inert C&D waste
Type of fill |
2021 |
2022 |
2023 |
2024 |
2025 |
Total |
Inert C&D - Disposal (m3) |
0 |
0 |
50000 |
10000 |
0 |
60000 |
Inert C&D - Re-used / recycle on site/on other Projects (m3) |
1000 |
10000 |
8000 |
1500 |
0 |
20500 |
Non-Inert C&D -Disposal (Ton) |
30 |
140 |
70 |
70 |
5 |
315 |
Non-Inert General Refuse -Disposal (Ton) |
20 |
60 |
50 |
50 |
5 |
185 |
The following performance targets shall be achieved:
· 60% recovery of metallic waste;
· 60% recovery of non-contaminated paper and cardboard;
Key to waste management is to reduce the amount of waste generated from the work site. The hierarchy of waste management is illustrated below. It attempts to evaluate waste management practices and selects the best practical option since conceptually it makes sense to avoid producing a waste rather than developing extensive treatment schemes.
Good planning and site management practices also help minimising over ordering or misuse of construction materials. Thereafter, encourage reuse and recycling of construction waste. The overall objective is to reduce and minimise the amount of wastes generated, hence reducing the costs of waste handling and disposal.
In the context of waste reduction, environmentally responsible purchasing would involve the introduction of practices that discourage unnecessary purchases and encourage the purchase of products with reduced packaging, increased durability and materials with high recycled content, such as, recycled paper, steel and other raw construction materials.
Waste minimisation is best achieved through careful planning, design and supervision. Good management practices would reduce and prevent large amount of waste generated. Raw materials would be managed from the first instance before they are ordered and delivered to the site. Good estimation and planning would minimise the amount of raw materials wasted. The generation of waste would be controlled at source.
6.2 Waste Management Hierarchy
The waste management hierarchy will be applied and development of mitigation measures for waste which aims at evaluating the desirability of waste management methods and includes the followings in descending preference:
· Avoidance and reduction of waste generation;
· Reuse of materials as far as practicable;
· Recovery and recycling of residual materials where possible; and
· Treatment and disposal according to relevant laws, guidelines and good practices.
The waste management measures are presented in the next section and the implementation schedule is shown in Appendix D. The site layout plan of the waste management facilities is shown in Appendix E.
6.3 Good Site Practices
The following good site practices are recommended throughout the construction activities
· nomination of an approved personnel, such as a site manager, to be responsible for the implementation of good site practices, arrangements for collection and effective disposal to an appropriate facility, of all wastes generated at the site;
· training of site personnel in site cleanliness, appropriate waste management procedures and concepts of waste reduction, reuse and recycling;
· provision of sufficient waste disposal points and regular collection for disposal;
· imposition of penalty system on CREC's improper behaviours when illegal dumping and landfilling outside their respective construction sites, i.e. on nearby farmlands and riverbanks, are reported;
· appropriate measures to minimise windblown litter and dust during transportation of waste by either covering trucks or by transporting wastes in enclosed containers;
· regular cleaning and maintenance programme for drainage systems, sumps and oil interceptors; and
· CREC should prepare a Waste Management Plan (WMP) as part of the Environmental Management Plan (EMP) in accordance with the ETWB TC(W) No. 19/2005 for construction phase. The EMP should be submitted to the PMR for approval. Mitigation measures proposed in the EIA Report and the EM&A Manual should be adopted.
6.4 Waste Reduction
Specific measures will be implemented to reduce the generation of waste materials, and thus minimise the amount of waste disposal to landfills. The measures will include:
· All dumped material should be sorted on site and approach, discuss and agree with CREC of interfacing contracts for disposal of inert construction waste for reuse, recovery and recycling;
· Recover all metallic waste for recycling;
· Recover all cardboard and paper packaging, and properly stockpile them in dry and covered condition to prevent cross contamination;
· Use of the materials (such as formworks and hoardings) in the construction would be calculated before purchasing in order to minimise waste generation;
· Use of metal formworks and hoardings, and they would be recycled after demolition on site as far as it can before disposal.
Good management and control of construction site activities / processes can minimise the generation of waste. Waste reduction is best achieved at the planning and design stage, as well as by ensuring the implementation of good site practices. Recommendations to achieve waste reduction include:
· Segregate and store different types of construction related waste in different containers, skips or stockpiles to enhance reuse or recycling of materials and their proper disposal;
· Provide separate labelled bins to segregate recyclable waste such as aluminium cans from other general refuse generated by the work force, and to encourage collection by individual collectors;
· Any unused chemicals or those with remaining functional capacity shall be recycled;
· Maximising the use of reusable steel formwork to reduce the amount of C&D material;
· Prior to disposal of C&D waste, it is recommended that wood, steel and other metals shall be separated for re-use and / or recycling to minimise the quantity of waste to be disposed of to landfill;
· Sort out demolition debris and excavated materials from demolition works to recover reusable/recyclable portions (i.e. soil, broken concrete, metal etc);
· Adopt proper storage and site practices to minimise the potential for damage to, or contamination of, construction materials;
· Plan the delivery and stock of construction materials carefully to minimise the amount of surplus waste generated;
· Adopt pre-cast construction method instead of cast-in-situ method for construction of concrete structures as much as possible; and
· Minimise over ordering of concrete, mortars and cement grout by doing careful check before ordering.
Measures to be implemented on site office to encourage waste avoidance/ minimisation include:
· Reducing the number of photos copies to a minimum and by copying on both sides of paper for internal documents and external documents where appropriate;
· Preventing over-ordering of office equipment and consumables;
· Procuring green office equipment and consumables in terms of energy efficiency, recycled content and durability, etc; and
· Deploying sufficient recycle bins in site offices to facilitate collection of recyclables including wasted aluminium cans, plastics bottles and papers.
· Provide training to workers on the importance of appropriate waste management procedures, including waste reduction, reuse and recycling.
6.5 On-Site Sorting and Temporary C&D Waste Disposal Area
Waste facilities will be provided on site to facilitate on-site sorting, collection and temporary storage of waste materials, they include:
· Designated area for temporary storage of Inert C&D Material;
· Designated area for temporary storage of C&D Material;
· Recycling cages for collection of waste metal, plastic and paper;
· Recycling bins for collection of waste papers, cans and plastic bottles; and
· Designated storage area for chemical waste.
The storage, collection and transport of the C&D materials will be carefully planned and implemented to minimise any adverse impact upon the environment. The method statement for stockpiling and transportation of excavated materials and other construction wastes is shown in Appendix F. The C&D materials generated will be sorted on site into public fill and C&D waste for recycling as appropriate in accordance with Works Bureau Technical Circular No. 5/98 for on-site sorting of Construction Waste on Demolition Site, Works Bureau, HKSAR Government, or subsequent disposal at approved strategic landfills and public filling areas. Wherever practicable, the SF/F will arrange the segregation of these wastes on site in order to maximise the recovery of reusable and recyclable materials. Separate areas will be designated for segregation and storage where site-specific conditions allow.
The segregated types of C&D materials will be stored in separate covered storage areas to avoid possible cross contamination and loss due to windblown and fugitive dust. If the C&D materials are to be temporarily stored in piles on site, they will either be covered with a tarpaulin or watered regularly to prevent the emission of fugitive dust. The SF/F will ensure that C&D materials are removed from their origin and processed at designated points in a timely manner.
Materials of recyclable value, such as steel mesh, reinforcement bars, window frames, railing, banisters, wooden planks, etc., will be separated from other C&D materials. These materials will either be reused by CREC on site or be sold and collected by an external licensed waste recycling agent. If an external recycling agent is required, details of the nominated company will be submitted to the PMR.
Collection and Transportation of Waste
The following recommendation should be implemented to minimize the impacts:
· Remove waste in timely manner;
· Employ the trucks with cover or enclosed containers for waste transportation;
· Obtain relevant waste disposal permits from the appropriate authorities;
· Disposal of waste should be done at licensed waste disposal facilities
Sufficient space will be provided to accommodate the separation of inert and non-inert materials and a unique access checkpoint with security control. The SE/SF/Foreman will manage the on-site sorting facilities and promptly remove all the sorted and processed materials arising from or in connection with the works from the site to minimise the extent of temporary stockpiling on the site. The categories of C&D materials to be sorted within the on-site sorting facilities include:
· Inert materials consisting of earth, building debris, rock fragments, concrete bricks, tiles, masonry and mortar etc;
· Metals;
· Plastic;
· Paper/ cardboards; and
· Timber
Following the sorting of these wastes, they will be sent separately for reuse and recycling, processing or disposed of as described in the following sections.
Other than large on-site sorting facilities, CREC will provide separate refuse and recycling bins to collect different types of refuse generated by the site office and the workforce. These will include bins to collect general refuse such as food waste and recycling bins to collect wastepaper separately, plastic bottles and aluminium cans. These bins will be provided in common areas where the wastes are commonly generated such as site offices, workshops, canteen and other site accommodation areas for the workers.
The remaining inert C&D materials, following site sorting, will be managed as follows:
Excess Excavated Material
In order to minimise the amount of excess excavated material to be delivered to public fill facilities, the priority for the management options of excess excavated material will be as followings: -
· Suitable excavated material will be stored for backfilling purposes;
· Maintain temporary stockpiles and reuse excavated fill material for backfilling;
· Carry out on-site sorting;
· Make provisions in the Contract documents to allow and promote the use of recycled aggregates where appropriate;
· Implement a trip-ticket system for each works contract to ensure that the disposal of C&D materials are properly documented and verified, so as to avoid the illegal dumping and landfilling of C&D materials on farmlands/ riverbanks at TCW;
· Excess excavated material will be transported to other projects for reuse as approved by the PMR;
· The ET and IEC will be informed of other projects/sites for reuse of excess inert C&D materials approved by PMR; and
· Only the amount of excavated material remaining after reused for backfilling purposes will be transported to the public fill facilities.
Inert C&D materials which are to be disposed to public filling outlets will be broken down to a size less than 250mm as according to Dumping Licence conditions prior to disposal. Wet soil with free water or a liquid content of over 70% and other materials such as marine mud, pond mud, household refuse, plastic, metal, industrial and chemical waste matter etc. will not be loaded into the dump truck. This will be controlled by the SF/F during the earthwork operations and further verified at the exit checkpoint by SF/F before the trip ticket is issued for each truck.
Concrete Waste
The surplus concrete after each concrete pour will be used for some minor pre-cast elements where practicable. Dry concrete waste, including broken concrete from demolition works, will be sorted out from the other wastes for reuse in site temporary road construction.
All the remaining inert C&D materials will be transported to public fill as specified. The trip ticket system will ensure there is no illegal dumping of the above-mentioned materials.
Timber Waste
CREC will avoid, reduce and minimise the use of timber in temporary works construction. Where the timber is used for this purpose or for one process/ activity with an estimated quantity exceeding 5m3, CREC will submit method statement to the PMR for agreement prior to the commencement of the works.
Description, justification and the estimated quantity for every work process/ activity requiring the use of timber for temporary works construction will be documented in form of summary table in Appendix C which will be updated and submitted monthly to the PMR by the EO together with the monthly summary Waste Flow Table (WFT) for the purpose of ongoing monitoring and review. When timber waste has arisen on site, it will be sorted and collected daily by an assigned work team and will be stored in a designated storage area for subsequent use or collection by recycling contractors.
Metal Wastes
CREC will avoid and reduce metal waste during the design, planning and construction process. Cut metal or steel bar will be considered for re-use in temporary or minor works on site. When metal waste has arisen on site, it will be sorted and collected daily by an assigned work team and stored in a designated storage area for subsequent use or collection by recycling contractors.
Plastic Wastes
CREC will also avoid and reduce plastic waste during the design, planning and construction process. It will be considered for re-use in temporary or minor works on site. When plastic waste, including water barrier, road lantern, safety helmet, has been arisen on site, it will be sorted and collected daily by an assigned work team and stored in a designated storage area for subsequent use or collection by recycling contractors.
General Refuse and C&D Waste
Un-recyclable, non-inert C&D materials, i.e. C&D wastes, and general refuse, which mainly consists of food waste, aluminium cans and wastepaper, will be generated from construction activities, workers and the site office.
The C&D waste will be temporarily stored and containers or skips with openable doors will be provided for temporary waste storage to prevent odour, pest and windblown litter. The containers or skips will be located at a demarcated area
Recycled paper will be used for the Project. Usage of recycled paper will be further reduced by printing all documents, submissions and letters on both sides. Use of soft copy document instead of hard copy document is also encouraged. Printing of colour document is discouraged except it is absolutely necessary. Sacks for wastepaper and baskets for reusable papers will be provided in the Site office. The used paper shall also be collected by recycler for recycling. Further waste management will be implemented, if necessary.
General refuse including food and domestic waste will be stored in enclosed bins or compaction units separate from the construction and chemical wastes. Lunch boxes, plastic bottles, containers, plastic sheets and foam will be sorted and stored in separately labelled bins for subsequent recycling. Reputable recycle contractors will be employed to collect recyclable materials. The amount of waste to be recycled will be recorded, controlled and monitored through the maintenance of WFT.
The general refuse and the
un-recyclable C&D waste will be collected and disposed of on a regular
basis to minimise the likelihood of odour, pests and
litter. They will be transported and disposed of by a licensed waste
haulier to strategic landfill. A trip-ticket system to trace the
transportation and destination of the waste will be implemented and the burning
of refuse on the site will be strictly prohibited.
6.7 Excavated Contaminated Soil
Land contamination issue is subject to site investigation conducted prior to construction. Guidelines/Recommendations stipulated in land contamination guidelines/manual and other land contamination plans/reports are required to be implemented prior to the construction phase to minimize any potential exposure to contaminated soils or groundwater.
6.8 Chemical Waste
For chemical waste produced by a process, as defined by Schedule 1 of the Waste Disposal (Chemical Waste) (General) Regulation, a 'Chemical Waste Producer' registration will be made with EPD.
Chemical wastes are likely to be generated during maintenance of plant and equipment and these may include spent filter cartridges containing heavy metals, spent batteries, used mechanical oil, cleaning fluid, spent solvents, lubricating oil and paints and paint containers.
All chemical wastes generated on site will be stored and labelled in accordance with the Code of Practice on the Packaging, Labelling and Storage of Chemical Waste published by EPD. All workers involved in the handling of chemical waste will be trained properly and will be provided with appropriate protective clothing.
The sorting and segregation of chemical waste will be carried out on site to ensure the waste is appropriately handled, labelled and treated prior to disposal off-site. The recoverable chemical wastes such as oil, paint and solvent, will be separated from other chemical wastes and an EPD licensed chemical waste collector will be employed to collect the chemical waste.
Handling of chemicals will be conducted in accordance with the Factories and Industrial Undertakings Ordnance, and the following measures should be adopted:
· No smoking is allowed in or near areas where chemicals are used or stored;
· Where necessary, chemicals should be used in accordance with the instructions given in MSDS. These documents are to be kept by the Safety Officer. All workers can request to access these documents;
· Where necessary, personal protective equipment and clothing, such as gloves and goggles should be worn while dispensing or using chemicals.
Chemical waste will be stored at designated storage areas in accordance
with the Code of Practice on the Packaging, Labelling and Storage of
Chemical Waste. The containers to be used for the storage of chemical waste
· be suitable for the substance they are holding, resistant to corrosion and be maintained in a good condition and kept securely closed;
· have a capacity of less than 450L unless the specifications have been approved by the EPD; and
· display a label in English and Chinese in accordance with instructions prescribed in Schedule 2 of the Regulations.
The storage area for chemical waste will:
· be clearly labelled and used solely for the storage of chemical waste;
· be enclosed on at least three sides;
· have an impermeable floor and be bunded to accommodate 110% of the volume of the largest container or 20% by volume of the chemical waste stored in that area, whichever is greater;
· have adequate ventilation;
· be covered to prevent rainfall entering (water collected within the bund must be tested and disposed as chemical waste if necessary);
· be arranged so that incompatible materials are adequately separated; and
· be located away from watercourse (Tung Chung Stream).
A licensed waste collector will be employed to deliver the chemical waste to the Chemical Waste Treatment Centre (CWTC) in Tsing Yi or others authorised by EPD. The trip-ticket system will be strictly implemented to ensure the chemical waste is transported by and to proper agents. Trip tickets issued for every chemical waste collection will be retained and filed for future reference and inspection.
6.9 Hazardous Materials Including Asbestos Handling and Disposal
CREC will identify and report to the Supervisor's Representative the presence of hazardous materials on Site. If CREC encounters any hazardous materials including asbestos, he will employ Specialist Contractor to the approval of the Supervisor's Representative and other relevant Government departments to dispose of the hazardous materials. CREC will submit to the Supervisor’s Representative and other relevant Government departments method of disposal, location for disposal etc. for approval. CREC will seek agreement with Environmental Protection Department the location of disposing the hazardous material and will keep the Supervisor's Representative informed of such agreement.
Should buildings be found with potential Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM), sufficient and reasonable lead time shall be allowed for preparation, vetting and implementation of Asbestos Investigation Report and Asbestos Abatement Plan in accordance with Air Pollution Control Ordinance before commencement of any demolition or site clearance work. The handling and disposal of ACM will be carried out in accordance with the EPD’s Code of Practice on Handling, Transportation and Disposal of Asbestos Waste and ProPECC PN 2/97 Handling of Asbestos Containing Materials in Buildings.
6.10 Emergency Response Procedures
Emergencies on the construction site may result in adverse impacts to the surrounding environment. Potential emergencies are identified below together with procedures formulated to deal with such situations.
In the event of an environmental emergency, the following procedure will be followed:
· Immediately report the environmental emergency to the CM/SA/CTL, EO, SE, PMR, ET, IEC and CEDD;
· If necessary, notify the Police and evacuate all staff to a safe place outside the site;
· Identify the source and cause of environmental emergency and cease such activity as necessary;
· Carry out any remedial action to rectify the emergency situation;
· Recommence work activity if the emergency situation has been rectified; and
· Keep a record of the environmental emergency and remedial action taken.
During the typhoon and rainstorm season, the following additional precautions will be taken:
· Temporary main access roads will be protected by crushed stone or gravel;
· If digging/backfilling trenches is necessary, this will be carried out in short sections;
· Stockpiles and temporary exposed slopes will be covered by an impermeable sheeting;
· Intercepting channels or sandbag will be provided at the edge of the excavated area to prevent storm runoff from washing across the exposed surface; and,
· Silt removal facilities, channels and manholes will be maintained, and the deposited silt and grit will be removed regularly
· This drill will be carried out by Safety Department.
Environmental emergency procedures including chemical waste spill will be developed for the Project. Formal written emergency procedures will be provided to staff and workers, and emergency drills will be conducted annually to ensure that people are familiar with the actual emergency. The procedures for dealing with spillage/ leakage of chemical waste will be as follows:
· Immediately report the environmental emergency to the CM/SA/CTL, EO, SE, PMR, ET, IEC and CEDD;
· The workers will be instructed to keep at a safe distance from the spillage/ leakage. If necessary, emergency evacuation will be initiated, and the emergency services notified;
· Adjacent worksites and private homes, if any, will be notified for the emergency situation;
· Only trained persons equipped with suitable protective clothing and equipment will be allowed to clean up the spillage/leakage;
· Where the chemical spillage area is small, the spill will be confined within earth barriers and the waste will be transferred back into suitable containers or soaked with suitable absorbing materials. The used absorbing materials will be treated as chemical waste and transferred to suitable containers for disposal;
· During the clean-up, all heat and ignitable sources will be switched off; and,
· The spraying of water to wash away the spill will be prohibited since some chemicals are likely to be bought.
If the spillage/ leakage is large, other concerned parties such as safety, security and subcontractor’s representatives will be notified to assess the spillage/ leakage and determine the methods of clean up/ containment. If necessary, the police, emergency services, nearby worksites and residential developments will be notified.
CREC will record the quantities of C&D materials that have been generated each month by making use of the "Waste Flow Tables" (WFT). The monthly summary WFT will be updated on a monthly basis to record the flow of actual C&D waste quantities in Appendix A.
The EO will use the Waste Flow Table (WFT) to record the actual quantities of C&D materials generated on Site. The following information will be included:
· Inert C&D materials to be generated in the Contract;
· Inert C&D materials to be reused in the Contract;
· Inert C&D materials reused in other projects or CREC’s outlet approved by the PMR;
· Inert C&D material suitable for recycling into aggregates for concrete or sub-base to be disposed of at an Approved location;
· Inert C&D materials for disposal to public filling outlets;
· Steel and other metals for collection by recycling contractors;
· Paper/ cardboard packaging for collection by recycling contractors;
· Plastics;
· Chemical wastes for collection by specialist contractor; and
· General refuses to be disposed of at landfills.
7.1 Site Procedures for Trip Ticket System (TTS)
For the disposal of C&D materials, CREC shall implement and comply with the requirements of the Trip-Ticket System stipulated in Works Bureau Technical Circular No. 31/2004.
CREC has applied for a registration as waste producer from EPD under the Construction Waste Disposal Charging Scheme. A billing account has been opened for the payment of waste disposal and chits issued by the Environmental Protection Department.
Each vehicle load of public fill or C&D waste transported off-site shall be accompanied by a duly completed Chit. The chit has 3 sections. The Designated Public Filling Facility / Landfill (operator) will take the 3rd section (with bar code) and return the remaining 2 sections to the truck driver who will return to CREC shall be retained. The SF/F will register all completed Chits for subsequent monitoring of the return of the trip ticket after the load has been disposed of and the EO/ES will check that the implementation is adequately carried out.
Wheel wash facilities have to be provided at the site entrance before the trucks leaving the works area. Dust disturbance due to the trucks transportation to the public road network could be minimized by such arrangement.
The SF/F will issue a chit to the truck driver at the gate after checking the truck load and material/waste inside to ensure no overloading and proper control of material/waste disposed. Furthermore, he will also ensure any mud trail on public road from the site is prevented by ensuring that vehicle wheels are properly cleaned prior to exit. This will also be reinforced by the security guard who will control the boom at the exit.
For each trip, the truck driver shall present to the operator of the Designated Public Filling Facility / Landfill (operator) the Chit prior to disposal of the C&D materials. Upon completion of the disposal, the public fill / landfill operator will print-out receipt to acknowledge the disposal. The EO / ES shall collect and verify the chit and the computer receipt. A copy of the chit and computer receipt shall be maintained by the EO for record.
The truck shall proceed to the disposal ground as stipulated in the Contract. If the C&D materials accord with the acceptance criteria, disposal of the materials will be permitted and the facility operator will give CREC's truck driver a Transaction Record Slip and stamp the CHIT. When the disposal of waste is not permitted (rejected by facility operator due to overloading or non-compliance with relevant acceptance criteria, closure of facility etc.), the truck will go back to the construction site and CREC will sort out an appropriate mitigation measure, including reclassification or reduction of the weight of waste carried.
CREC shall maintain a daily record of disposal of C&D materials from the Site including details of C&D materials, the truck number, departure time, etc., using the Daily Record Summary (DRS), a sample of which is given in Appendix B. CREC shall check the information recorded in the DRS against available information including his own records and data from the website of Civil Engineering and Development Department (CEDD) and complete Part 2 of the DRS form.
Surveillance on the truck drivers will be carried out randomly by following the truck drivers to the point of disposal to ensure that they dispose of C&D material at the designated disposal site and that the disposal activities fully comply with the client's requirements.
For the disposal of C&D materials, CREC shall implement and comply with the requirements of the amended Trip-Ticket System stipulated in Development Bureau Technical Circular (Works) No. 6/2010 with inclusion of site monitoring measures, particularly video recording system, for tracking of disposal on inert or non-inert material. On the other hand, the weight measurement records of C&D materials as loaded in the dump trucks before departure from the construction site and upon the delivery to the receiving facilities are to be compared to confirm if irregularities are found.
Video Recording System
CREC will:
(i) provide, operate and maintain, including all necessary cables, wirings, lightings and other accessories, a video recording system at each vehicular exit/entrance with gate(s) installed with the following essential features to record all trucks leaving the Sites: The video cameras used in the system shall be of high resolution, lowlight and colour type; power backup shall be provided to cater for accidental breakdown of the power supply to the system; videos captured by the system shall be recorded continuously without break except with the agreement of the PMR, or in the month during which there is no disposal of C&D materials off the Site for the entire month; videos shall be captured in a format acceptable to the PMR; the registration mark of each vehicle leaving the site shall be recorded; and the loading conditions of dump trucks including empty trucks shall be captured;
(ii) securely protect the video cameras from being damaged or blocked;
(iii) design and construct all necessary temporary works, including any supporting frames and protections, for mounting the video cameras and their accessories;
(iv) provide the software and hardware for capturing the vehicle registration mark, and the time and date for the PMR's immediate taking and viewing of photograph of every truck leaving the Site and viewing the recorded videos;
(v) keep the videos record for at least 60 days and the photographs until such time as instructed by the PMR;
(vi) post sufficient notices at conspicuous positions to notify the workers, drivers and staff about the purpose of the video recording system in accordance with data protection principles set out in the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance; and
(vii) if a video camera system cannot be installed at the exit, propose alternative methods of control to the PMR, who may accept such proposals if he is satisfied that the proposals are equally effective.
· Maintain a daily record of disposal of C&D materials from the Site including Disposal Delivery Form (DDF) numbers, vehicle registration numbers, approximate volume, C&D materials type, approved alternative disposal ground, departure time from the Site, actual disposal ground and arrival time at disposal ground, using the Daily Record Summary (DRS);
· Submit the duly completed Part 1 of the DRS in duplicate before departure of the truck;
· When leaving the Site, each and every vehicle transporting C&D materials including both the inert and non-inert portion, must bear a DDF. A sample of the DDF for alternative disposal ground is shown at Appendix B. The DDF shall be duly completed and authorized by the PMR;
· Carry the DDF on board the vehicle at all times throughout the vehicular trip to the Approved alternative disposal ground as stipulated in the DDF;
· For each vehicular trip after disposal of C&D materials, ensure that the DDF is signed off by a competent person as agreed by the PMR at the Approved alternative disposal ground to confirm completion of each trip. Keep a copy of the DDF for inspection by the PMR upon request. Complete Part 2 of the DRS form and submit it to the PMR within 3 working days after the date of disposal; and
· Where an irregularity is observed or where requested by the PMR under special circumstances (e.g. a DDF has been issued but there is no disposal record at the Approved alternative disposal ground), submit to the PMR within 5 working days after the recorded date of disposal the supporting evidence such as the signed off DDF to confirm proper completion of the delivery trip(s) in question, or within 2 working days after the PMR has requested for such evidence, whichever is later.
CREC shall properly estimate the volume of C&D materials that can be carried by different dump trucks according to the permissible loading capacity of the dump trucks and the properties of the C&D materials, e.g. the bulk density with reference to the composition, moisture content and past data return, etc., in order to establish effective control measures to prevent overloading of dump trucks. They include:
· Height limit of the skip of the dump truck with consideration of its plan area and arrangement of measuring scale from the bottom of the skip; and/or
· Maximum number of grabs of the C&D materials loaded with the backhoe onto the dump truck with consideration of the grab capacity of the backhoe.
At the initial stage and any significant change of properties in C&D materials, trial run (means the first disposal dumping trip on that day) should be conducted with margin to avoid overloading in order to establish reference parameters for effective control of overloading. Whenever necessary, these control measures should be reviewed promptly to suit the prevailing site conditions.
Photos shall be taken to record the condition of materials in the skip of the dump truck and the related dump truck number for close monitoring and feedback control. Frequency of taking photo record can be adjusted in accordance with degree of monitoring control. Representative photos shall also be posted at site entrance as examples for reference of dump truck drivers and backhoe operators.
CREC shall check the vehicle loads shown on the returned trip ticket/electronic disposal data sheets to monitor its control measures against overloading. These control measures shall be reviewed immediately if there is any deficiency identified.
Furthermore, dump trucks employed will be fitted with pressure gauge for measurement of truck loads in order to avoid overloading. Pressure gauge will be calibrated and for ease of reference, an equivalent load value will be marked on the gauge itself to ensure no overloading will take place. Thus, at the time of loading of C&D waste for disposal the relevant Foreman at the exit will monitor with reference to the mark on the gauge while the loading of the truck takes place. He will also ensure the mechanical cover is in place prior to allowing the truck to leave the site.
In order to control overloading effectively, the relevant SF/F/staff will monitor the maximum number of grabs of the C&D materials loaded onto the dump truck against the reference mark on the pressure gauge fitted on the dump truck to ensure no overloading will take place. If the gauge shows value beyond the referenced mark, the extra material will be unloaded prior to issue of chits for disposal. The returned trip ticket/electronic disposal data sheets will be checked to monitor its control measures against overloading. Furthermore, Senior Foreman / Foreman and staff will be briefed of the control measure.
Disposal trip training shall be provided to all truck drivers engaged for removal of C&D materials from the Site and keep the training records. All drivers must fully understand on the following particular points:
Each truck carrying C&D materials leaving the Site for a disposal ground must bear a duly completed chit, irrespective of the location and nature of the disposal ground;
The C&D materials must be disposed of at the designated disposal ground;
For an improper disposal, the Public Fill Committee (PFC) shall consider revoking the Dumping Licence from the holder of the offending trucks; and
Truck drivers must bear a valid Dumping Licence which he can apply from CEDD.
All dump trucks engaged on site shall be equipped with GPS or equivalent automatic system for real time tracking and monitoring of their travel routings and parking locations to prohibit illegal dumping and landfilling of C&D materials.
All dump trucks (i.e. goods vehicles of gross vehicle weight equal to or more than 16 tonnes, fitted with a dump bed) leaving the Site carrying dusty materials shall be fitted with a mechanical cover in good service condition which covers the dump bed.
The implementation of this document shall be regularly monitored through site monitoring. The monitoring of environmental performance shall be conducted at two principal levels. Firstly, construction personnel shall on an on-going basis, through their normal surveillance of site operations, ensure the compliance of site activities including the operations of subcontractors.
Secondly, the EO/ES or the assigned person shall undertake weekly inspection to ensure satisfactory performance on compliance with this document. Such checks shall be site-wide and encompass all pertinent trip ticket management issues applicable to the on-going works. If required, surprise checks can also be arranged on the disposal locations. In addition, the EO/ES or the assigned person shall verify the site disposal records against the data kept by the government disposal facilities via internet at the below links:
The Surveillance Team will conduct regular site inspections to identify and report immediately to the IEC, the ER and the PMR on suspected illegal dumping and landfilling of construction and demolition (C&D) materials within the Project site throughout the construction phase.
7.3 GPS Implementation
CREC shall implement a GPS System for real time monitoring and to keep record of the speed, travel routings and parking locations of dump trucks collecting C&D materials to and from the Site in order to prevent the dump trucks from travelling above the speed limit at public roads and prohibits illegal dumping and landfilling of C&D materials. In addition, CREC shall utilise the GPS System to monitor and ensure that the C&D materials are disposed at locations accepted by the Project Manager (PMR).
Record and Analysis of Data Collected by GPS System
All the dump truck owners and driver that with installation of GPS tracking device inside the vehicle, the corresponding location information including every trip involving disposal of C&D materials from the site to disposal grounds shall be checked by CREC and the PMR. GPS vehicle location data of the dump truck will be logged throughout the whole disposal trip. All monitoring is riding at the web-based application (e.g., Autotoll:, allowing the users to track the positions of the target vehicles and download reports or summaries via the Internet.
The corresponding historical GPS vehicle location data will be maintained for at least 6 months after any C&D material disposal trips for retrieval if needed.
The GPS location data of the dump truck could be retrieved from the web-based application with output in Excel format. The data set is associated by the following information from the GPS tracking device.
(i). Contract No. and title;
(ii). Fleet name (if appropriate);
(iii). Registration date;
(iv). Vehicle registration mark;
(v). Time;
(vi). Latitude & longitude (NEMA);
(vii). Region (Hong Kong, Kowloon, New Territories);
(viii). District;
(ix). Street name;
(x). Travelling direction;
(xi). Travelling speed;
(xii). Engine status (on or off).
At the web-based application, the tracking route of dump truck could be located in form of a digital map of Hong Kong and the reporting frequency of GPS tracking device is at every 30 seconds when the engine is ON and every hour when the engine is OFF respectively.
Automatic Notification System
Geofences will be set for the designated disposal locations, i.e. NENT Landfill and TM38 Fill Bank, and other locations approved by the Project Manager / Supervisor. Geofences are designated areas that can be defined on a map. They can either be a certain radius around a single point or any shape that create from several points. When trucks enter/trigger the Geo-fencing Zone, GPS data, such as travelling routes, travelling time for every delivery, etc. via the Automatic Notification System will be recorded. An alert email will be sent to ET, IEC, the Project Manager / Supervisor, the contractor and surveillance team at the end of each working day if the dump truck does not reach designated disposal locations after leaving the project site. Environmental Officer (EO) / Environmental Supervisor (ES) will analyze the GPS data, such as travel routings, parking locations, etc. on a daily basis. The corresponding historical GPS vehicle location data will be maintained for at least 6 months after any C&D material disposal trips for retrieval if needed. EO/ES will also consolidate the GPS data with the Trip Ticket System by merging the corresponding chit number/DDF number, vehicle number, truck build-in weight record, recorded weight of the transaction (Government Facility) or other accepted/ designated disposal ground, etc. for the purpose of cross-checking and analyzing the time used for the delivery, traffic routing, weight difference for any irregularities and suspected illegal dumping situation. It ensures that the trucks are disposing of the C&D materials to the designated disposal locations after leaving the site. Also, ET, IEC, the Project Manager / Supervisor, the contractor and surveillance team can track the real-time position of the trucks on the web-based application.
To ensure that all C&D materials are disposed of at the designated disposal locations, at the end of each working day, in case that any dump truck does NOT reach the designated disposal locations after leaving the project site, the GPS monitoring system will automatically generate alert through email to the relevant parties (e.g. ET, IEC, project manager, contractor, surveillance team, etc.) for follow up on any suspected irregularity and illegal dumping situation. The information of automatic notification includes relevant details, such as vehicle licence plate, event time, vehicle location, etc. Prohibited Zone on Tung Chung Road (section of Tung Chung Road south of Shek Mun Kap Road and all roads in south Lantau) or other areas designated as prohibited zones in Tung Chung can be set by the real time tracking and monitoring (RTTM) system, and signal (by email) will be sent to ET, IEC, project manager, contractor, surveillance team or other default users immediately once any irregularities/non-compliances are triggered. The notification emails records of the C&D materials disposal by trucks are to be checked by EO/ES to confirm whether all the dump trucks travel to the designated disposal locations after leaving the construction site.
7.4 Reporting Illegal Dumping and Follow-up Action
The approach of the monitoring of C&D materials disposal activities of the dump trucks from the construction site to the designated disposal facilities (e.g. landfills, public fill reception facilities and other locations approved by PMR) includes the following elements:
1. Travelling routes of the dump trucks via the GPS as installed in the dump trucks and the web-based application;
2. Travelling time of the dump trucks via the Automatic Notification System; and
3. Weight measurement records of the C&D materials as loaded in the dump truck before departure from the construction site and received at the designated disposal facilities or other locations approved by PMR.
CREC has established procedures to deal with any non-compliance and the principle corrective actions that would be undertaken include:
· Relevant staff including the EO, PM/CM/SA/CTL, PMR, ET, IEC and CEDD would be notified immediately in the event of there being a waste related non-conformance or complaint being made;
· The cause of the problem would be immediately investigated, and mitigation measures would be proposed by EO. These would be implemented with approval from the PM/CM/SA and the PMR;
· The PM/CM/SA would ensure that the mitigation measures are properly implemented;
· Further site surveillance by EO would evaluate the effectiveness of the mitigation measures and would immediately advise the PM/CM/SA if non-compliance persists;
· Reporting to the management on problems found, causes identified, improvement actions implemented, intended and the actual effects and any necessary follow-on actions being undertaken;
· Reporting of illegal dumping and landfilling of C&D materials within the Project site throughout the construction phase by the Surveillance Team appointed under the EP condition 2.6; and
· Follow-up actions to be taken by CREC and dump truck drivers for committing suspected offences relating to illegal dumping and landfilling of C&D materials.
· CREC will discuss with PMR for the follow up actions (e.g. warning letter, cease operation, etc.) if required.
In order to ensure the waste related non-conformance would not recur, the following preventive actions would be adopted:
· The EO would liaise closely with the construction team and forecast likely waste impacts, which may arise during the construction period and develop preventive procedures.
· The arrangement and progress of implementing waste management measures on site would be discussed and reviewed in the weekly SSEC meeting;
· The EO would closely monitor the waste management measures by the weekly site surveillance and checking of relevant monitoring results, meeting minutes, permits and reports, etc.; and
The conduct of a training programme to educate site staff about waste management and chemical waste handling on-site.
EO/ES or the assigned person shall maintain contemporary records of the following documents in the site office during the Project period:
· Site Management Plan for Trip Ticket System;
· Yearly Waste Flow Table;
· Monthly Summary Waste Flow Table;
· Registration as a Chemical Waste Producer;
· Register of all Disposal Delivery Form;
· Daily Disposal Record;
· Other records like trip tickets on disposal of chemical waste;
· Photographs and various measurement records; and
· Other statutory permits application / renewal.
All records shall be maintained in a legible manner, stored and retained in such a way that they are readily
retrievable on site in a suitable environment to prevent deterioration or
damage and to prevent loss.
Monthly Summary Waste Flow Table
Daily Record Summary of C&D Materials, Sample
Chit, Disposal Delivery Form (Chit of Alternative Disposal Ground)
Summary Table for Work Processes or Activities
Requiring Timber for Temporary Works
Implementation Schedule
Site Layout Plan for Waste Management Facilities
Method Statement for Stockpiling and Transportation of
Excavated Materials and Other Construction Wastes